Saturday, November 11, 2017

NRC Annual Meeting

Agenda for Annual Meeting 2017

Called the meeting to order at 2:05 pm

National Retriever Club President Tommy Parrish
President Tommy Parrish called the meeting to order and opened with the moment of silence and acknowledged the Vets in honor of Veteran's Day. The Pledge of Allegiance to the US flag followed. He then introduced the Board:
President: Tommy Parrish
            Secretary/Treasurer: David Opseth
            Directors:      Mitch Patterson
                                  Julie Cole
                                  Ginger Cope
                                 Jeff Talley, Field Trial Chairman
Judges of National Retriever Championship
Mary Ahlgren                                   
Breck Howard
            Tony Despenas

Tommy Parrish introduced the Mayor of Boston, Danny Groover, who welcomed us and thanked everybody for coming. 

Secretary/Treasurer David Opseth takes "roll call" of the clubs

Vice-President Mitch Patterson with Board Member Julie Cole and Chairman Jeff Talley

There was "standing room only" at the General Meeting

Secretary/Treasurer David Opseth gives the role call and established quorum. He had a motion to approve the 2016 minutes. David stated most all Club dues were collected. He thanked the clubs who donated to Workers' Party. David also mention the dropped clubs and added clubs: Alamo Retriever Club, Inc. (NEW CLUB), Alaska Working Retriever Club (No trials in 2017), Cimarron Retriever Club (No trials in 2017), Dardenne Retriever Club  (NEW CLUB), Mobile Amateur Retriever Club (Renewal of Club), Sunflower Retriever Club (No trials 2017), Tejas Hunting Retriever Club (NEW CLUB), Tri State Retriever Club of Iowa (NEW CLUB), Tulsa Retriever Club (Held trial Spring 2017). 
Just for clarity on the Alaska Working Retriever Club (AWRC) not holding trials this year, the Club was combined with Retriever Club of Alaska (RCA) WITH permission from AKC. The RCA has been granted permission indefinitely to hold all events for both clubs.
Marshall Dunaway was called to present the dedication of this year's trial to Dr. Tom Strickland. Marshall spoke about Tom's involvement in the sport for more than 40 years, being a member of Purina Awards Committee, developing the grounds that he shared, and mentored pro's and amateur and brought many people into the sport.  Tom was presented the honor and in true humble fashion, accepted the honor on behalf of the "Old Timers," Joe Waddlesworth, Marshall Dunaway and Dick Johnson. Tom also thanked the Board, Purina and the people of the sport.

Marshall Dunaway speaks about the trial Dedication

Dr. Tom Strickland

David Opseth gave the Treasurer’s report that was distributed and David mentioned last year's leftover inventory was donated to Goodwill.  He also stated the bird bill was higher last year and there was $2000 paid to the gunners. He acknowledge Mark Medford getting the Ford Motor Company as a sponsors for 2018 Event.  He also thanked Retriever News for their efforts in the Training Grounds Book and that generated nearly $11,000 without the expense of printing it since the book was offered only in a digital version. He complimented Patti Simmons on her merchandising efforts and the products she had for sale these year.  

Secretary/Treasurer David Opseth

PRTA President Paul Sletten reads off the 5 clubs that were given land grants this year.

Paul Sletten, President of the PRTA spoke about this past Friday's meeting.  Five land grants were awarded of $3000 each instead of their normal three.   

A portrait was presented to owner/handler Charlie Hines of 2016 NFC Windy City Mighty Mouse.  The painting donated by Purina and painted by the official artist Ross Young. 

Charlie Hines looks on as the portrait of "Mickey" is unveiled
Tommy Parrish then introduced the 2018 Board:

            Mitch Patterson, President
            Julie Cole, Vice President
            Ginger Cope, Director
            Jeff Talley, Director
            David Opseth, Secretary/ Treasurer

A motion was made to close nomination, and to approve the board as presented.

The 2018 Event was announced by Mitch Patterson.  The location of the trial will be near Paducah, KY and will held November 10 - 18, 2018.  Please note: This event is starting on Saturday. The Field Trial Chairman is Loren Morehouse with the Chief Marshal being Mark Medford.

The judges are:
Atlantic Timezone: Dave Opseth
Pacific Timezone: Charles Tyson
Mountain Timezone: Ed Ayock
Corporate liaison Gwen Jones was unable to attend this years event so David Opseth presented the  Sponsor gifts in her absence. The sponsors were presented with a gift and thanked.
Karl Gunzer of Purina shakes Tommy Parrish's hand
… and David Opseth's, too.

Karl thanked the crowd for their support of Purina

David Carrington from Avery Sporting Dog loves his gift!

The Sponsors are:
Purina - Karl Gunzer
Avery - David Carrington
Garmin - Mike Perry
Dogtra - Ken Neil
Kent Ammunition.

Jeff Talley came to the podium and thanked the 2017 judges panel and presented them with a gift.  The 2017 judges are:

Tony Despanas - Central Time Zone
Breck Howard - Mountain Time Zone
Mary Ahlgren - Pacific Time Zone
(L-R) Tony Despanas, Breck Howard and Mary Ahlgren – Our 2017 NRC Judges

Jeff also thanked donors and sponsors and encouraged participation for the raffle. He thanked Ag Pro, James Groover for providing the facility for tonight's Cocktail party and the ATVs. Then he presented Judy Ramuson with a beautiful platter with a hand-painted Labrador and thanked her for the use of her land.

Jeff thanked all committees for their hard work.  He also stated that the first 4 series will probably be held at Parramore Fish. As of right now, prior to the bitch check there were 2 scratches who were #30 and #58.

Chief Marshal Mark Menzies

Chief Marshal Mark Menzies came to the podium and announced that the first test will be a land triple with a rooster pheasant flyer, a dead rooster pheasant and a dead hen pheasant.

The Caravan is leaving the headquarters hotel at 5:30 am.  Test dog at 6:30 am with first running dog at 7:00 am. 

Jeff Talley's granddaughter chose the starting number bumper – #72

"What a C-U-T-I-E!"
 First competing dog is #72.  The rotation will be 72, 98, 20, 46.

Gun changes and rebird every 25 except for the 1st series there will be a quick rebird after 9 dogs.
No Bird:
First No-Bird Handler will go back five numbers and run sixth.
Second No-Bird Handler will go back five and run sixth.
Third No-Bird the Handler will run at the end of the rotation.
If no bird was thrown then you will come right back to the line.

Callbacks will be posted at the headquarters and Retriever News Blog.

If test is scratched the next running dog will be the 1st dog of the new setup and if it's on the same day.  If it starts on the following day the dog starting the rotation will start again.

We have three Test Dogs for the first day. Amy Hunt and FC Sureshot Watt's Up, "Juice," will be the Honorary Test Dog. Amy had qualified for last year's National Open in Bonham, TX before she suffered a stroke.

The female Test dog is AFC Mac's Sweet Eleanor Rose, "Rosie," with owner/handler Michael McDaniel.

The male Test Dog is Smackwater's Coast To Coast, "Coast," with owner/handler Valarie Marks.

Workers are to be present prior to 5:45 am.
Bitch check following the meeting.

Incoming President Mitch Patterson gives an appreciation gift to outgoing President Tommy Parrish

Committee meetings to follow.

Motion to Adjourn.