At 6:00 pm, everyone arrived at a striking flood-lit building known as the Ag Pro Corporate Office in Boston, GA. There was guitar music wafting across the courtyard, where several tables and a tent were set-up to enable people to gather. There were candles and propane heaters as the night was on the cool side, but several folks strolled in and out of the building and choose to sit either indoors or out.
The food was outstanding and as the drinks flowed, so did the conversation. Much of the discussion was about pre-National training and many people were impressed with the quality of the training grounds in the area.
Shortly after 7:00 pm, Field Trial Chairman Jeff Talley and Scott Leonescu began to call raffle ticket numbers out. This was an exciting raffle for sure with many valuable prizes including quail and duck hunts, many of which would be available on plantations in the local vicinity. There were also "Dog and Handler" opportunities at several seminars coming up. Other prizes included a gallery wrap from UpClose Photo and a stunning cowhide rug. But the grand prize was the most coveted Beretta, 12-gauge Silver Pigeon shotgun. The lucky winner of that prize was none other than Randy Spangler. Congratulations Randy and one and all!
Celebrity Sighting: Mary Knapp joins Tina Styan from Retriever News for a picture. |
The "Challenge Trophy" |
Chairman Jeff Talley and Scott Leonescu "work" the Raffle! |