Saturday, November 18, 2017

Test Dogs - Tenth Series

First Test Dog - Coast - Valerie Marks

Came to the line at 1:00 pm

Short - Threw the strip left and to the bird and brought back a hen duck

Flyer - Had a big hunt behind and deep of the gunners. Worked his way right with a little help of the gunners. Came back with a rooster

Right - Into the pond and online to the flyer gunners, then handled to the right retired guns. Gunners had to step out. He came back with hen pheasant.

Left - Went way left of the area. The handler tried whistles to stop him but felt the dog couldn't hear them. Gunners stepped out to help to pick up the hen pheasant.

**The Judges decided to change the line and the position of the short bird**

Second Test Dog - Rosie - Michael McDaniel

Came to the line at 1:22 pm

Short - She went through the strip and to the bird

Right - In the water and around the back side of the gunners and back with the bird.

Flyer - Through the cover strip and up the back side of the short bird, she went into the water, driving the hill, had a hunt in the area and she was on the bird.

Left - Through the cover past the short gun. Splashed into the pond then faded right when she came out and continued on until she found the gunners and worked her way to the bird.