4th Series

The mat faces WSW on the north side of the field. The field is covered in patches of tall bahiagrass. The first bird is the long right hen pheasant thrown to the left at 215 yards. This station retires when the dog is sent. 120 yards in front of the mat is a mound with three gunners. This is a simulated wipe-out flyer that shoots and throws a hen duck to the left. These guns stand out for the remainder of the test. The left hand flyer is is a push to the left at 295 yards and is a hen pheasant shot to the left. The long right retired is under the arc of the simulated flyer. There is an honor to the right of the mat. This takes about 6 minutes.

The Fourth Series
The Long Retired and Simulated Flyer Station

The Flyer Station
Thanks to Pat Burns of Elite Retrievers for this aerial shot

Thanks to Jean Wu for the sketch of the test