Thursday, November 16, 2017

Series Five - Test Dogs

First test dog, Coast, came to the line at 7:30 am.

Coast, LM - owner/handler Valarie Marks

Walkout - Coast went straight to the bird and returned the bird to Valarie.

Flyer - He went to the area of the fall, had a tight hunt to his bird.

Middle Retired - He ran a good line across the field but had difficulty finding his bird. He covered quite a bit of ground before he retrieved the bird.

Right Retired - Coast had a good line to the start but then broke left as he past the flyer station. He had to be handled to the right retired bird.

Second test dog, Rosie, came to the line at 7:43 am and had a no bird. She came back to the line for her rerun at 7:47 am.

Rosie, LF - owner/handler Michael McDaniel

Walkout - Very nice line to her bird.

Flyer - Straight to the fall area and on her bird.

Middle Retired - She ran across the field on a line left of the guns. She established a hunt. She hunted hard left of the area and worked her way right to the bird.

Right Retired - Rosie took an excellent initial line across the field. She headed left of the fall area and had to be handled right to get her bird.